
Networking in Estonia

Networking with utopian associate Mentors in Contributor Organisation. Are you a ‘start up’ business and want some help? 

Contact and find out more about how we can help.


Utopian associate mentors in contributor organisation

Getting excited…

Getting excited about new International Diploma starting later this year

What are some of the key benefits of attending the Advanced Diploma in Culture Change and Coaching?

The purpose of this Course is to provide Leaders with leading edge skills in change management and coaching.


  1. Provide a strategic approach to managing change and the culture for growth.
  2. Understand others motivations and beliefs driving behaviour, to enable leverage for change, and to get people engaged.
  3. Work through Lewin’s change model; practicing leading edge coaching skills to influence attitudes, for employee ownership and engagement.
  4. Use advanced language skills to influence all key stakeholders.

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Mastery in NLP

Mastery in NLP for all those business Leaders out there that are coaching their teams and want some extra skills, that enables your business to do even more in house; saving on consultancy skills. See testimonials. Link to Mastery in NLP: Download Brochure

Just off to Estonia to do more team building with new start-ups!  Are you a ‘start up’ business and want some help? 
Contact and find out more about how we can help.